Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another change...

I keep meeting myself walking in the door I'm so busy at work. Problem is...I can't really get in my door!

Francie is moving. We found her the perfect apartment just five minutes from Samford. She starts law school in just a few weeks, and I'm so excited for her. Having her home with me for the past year has been a gift, but it's time for her to start this new chapter in her life. But moving is just a messy, messy business, and if you don't believe it - come to my house. Or don't. Not now. Actually, I'm thinking if the health department visited, they may close me down.

I have an extra sofa in the living room, an assortment of dishes, linen, and furniture (in various stages of paint), and bags of clothes kind of strowed around the house. It's okay. In just a few short weeks my house will be clean...and very, very quiet. Too quiet I'm thinking.

The good news is Heidi and Francie will be in the same town, and I plan to visit them often enough to satisfy this mother's need to see her babies, but not often enough so they'll dread me coming. It's a fine line, but we've always been honest with each other, and I expect them to tell me when enough is enough.

So...big change for me, big change for Francie.

I'm so proud of my daughters. They have grown into smart, accomplished, funny, articulate, independent young women. And I'm proud of me. Because I'm smart enough to know when it's time to let go. Well...I'm smart enough to know that I AM supposed to let go. But maybe I can put that off for one more week. Or two :-).

Love you girls...conquer the world.
